Satya School




Child Protection measures at Satya.

Child Protection measures taken at Satya School in alignment with of POCSO Act 2011, 2012 (amendment 2019)

We are safe at Satya

At Satya School, ensuring a safe environment is of paramount importance, hence the school has taken following measures to ensure the safety and security of Satyans every year
  1. 1. Training of the staff on POCSO and POSH- Last training session was taken by an advocate, Ms Ritu in January 2024.
  2. 2. Child Protection Committe (CPC) is constituted, who is equipped to receive the complaints and provide support.
  3. 3. Workshop on Cyber Bullying by external facilitators
  4. 4. Anti-Bullying Policy is in place. Anti-bullying contract is signed by parents and students as well in order to protect children.
  5. 5. The almanac defines the Satyan code of conduct for students and staff, along with the consequences of any inappropriate conduct.
  6. 6. The CPC consists of the following
    1. a. Committee Chairperson – Vice Principal, Ms Deepika Chaudhary
    2. b. Child Protection Officer – Hanu Narang
    3. c. School Counsellor Ms. Retika Kapur
    4. d. Early Years Representative – One Teacher- Ms Tanmeet
    5. e. Primary School Representative – SPOC- Pooja Mishra
    6. f. Middle/Senior School –Associate Coordinator and Counsellor Ritu Kaushik
    7. g. Male Member – Administration -Non-Teaching Staff -Mr Prabhu
      h. Human Resources – HR Manager- Ms Ruchi
  1. 7. There is a suggestion box placed on every floor for anyone to drop suggestions/ complaints anonymously
  2. 8. E-Mail ids have been constituted for easy access-
    1. a. Senior School Years (9-12 Classes)-
    2. b. Middle Years (6 -8 Classes) –
    3. c. Junior Years (EY – 5 Classes)-
  1. 9. Student Awareness is achieved through:
    1. a. Assemblies
    2. b. Role-Play during the course of the academic year
    3. c. Workshops on Child sexual abuse during the course of the year
    4. d. Awareness drive on Cyber Bullying and school safety
    5. e. Workshops for young adults on adolescence / Puberty
    6. f. Workshops for support staff, Bus and administration, who are a part of the Satyan Fraternity

  2. 10. Posters are displayed on every floor for children to have an easy access.
  3. 11. Cyber-bullying is a part of the curriculum and is calendared, wherein the children learn about the nuances of ways to stay safe in the cyber space and identify the signs of cyber bullying.